1. Title - Twitter
2. Description of technology I would best describe twitter as a communication channel. It has many similarities to 'social networking' applications like face book but but seem to have taken the bigger slice of the pie when it comes to commercial communication - ie celebrities, forums etc.
3. Some issues. - I found the presence of unwanted followers or pop ups overwhelming on twitter, 5 minutes after I signed up I had four different "people' asking me to follow their tweets, which turned out to be trying to get me to buy their photos!
4. Educational applications - If security is anything less than 100% the suitability for student use in a classroom would be asking for trouble, however on the plus side once the rubbish has been filtered though I think twitter is a very powerful and active site for teacher collaboration. I found this through Classroom 2.0 with delivers webinars conferences and all round good advice for teachers (and pre service) trying to using web2.0 in the classroom
5. Other thoughts. - There is a 'controlled' section of twitter which has been created to encourage users to safely communicate within a user determined group, however I feel this takes away the whole purpose of twitter - being such a vast community of people bought together by a similar interest or activity. If you only want a few people involved I would think it would be easier to set up your own Wiki.
Whilst there is much bad news around how ChatGPT will destroy traditional
teaching and learning processes I thought it might be time to look at some
of t...
2 years ago
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