1. Title - Glogster
2. Description of technology. - Glogster is a fun, colourful and easy to operate program which is the web 2.0 equivalent for an old 'poster project'. The clear difference to this is that the online poster (or Glog) is an interactive medium which can contain any kind of multimedia you can think of.
3. Some issues. - This is more a controll issue on the part of the user but I found it was too easy to add different images, videos, music etc that the page I created beacme over crowded very quickly and lost some of the effectiveness. There were just so many neat objects to choose from I found it hard to stop, but that can be dealt with in the drafting / design stage of creating the poster next time.
4. Educational applications - Glogster has its own educational version for schools to use, 'Glogster EDU' this is designed just for students so security and privacy issues have been dealt with well. The teacher can distibute the shells of the glogs to the class for them to create any number of different pieces of work. I like how the teacher becomes the moderator of all the glogs created to give a great tool for engaging the class and assessment too.
5. Other thoughts. - I think Glogster should be used right through and beyond primary age. It is simple enough to create an effective poster by younger students, but also once the students get more advanced with its capabilities it could become the 'go to' tool for integrating all subject areas into effective and proffesional looking creations.
Whilst there is much bad news around how ChatGPT will destroy traditional
teaching and learning processes I thought it might be time to look at some
of t...
2 years ago
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