1. Title Second Life
2. Description of technology. - Second Life is a virtual world that allows users to interact with each other in nearly every aspect of day to day life. Users create an 'avatar' to represent them in the virtual world and go about life in a community pretty much like we do here on our humble little planet. (except for the flying part)
3. Some issues. - The virtual world has grown with such speed and enthusiasm there are many people who have set up full time businesses to cater for the users every need (atcually I think want is a better word). This has created a sort of floating economy where people are parting with large sums of real money to buy Linden Dollars (the games currecy) to 'spruce up' their avatar and online environment.
It is reported that as much as $35 million USD changes hands through second life each month. Since this is all going on in 'cyberspace' and from 'all four corners of the globe' I'm sure taxmen from all over the world are wondering when and how they can get their slice of the virtual pie.
4. Educational applications - As far as primary school education goes don't think second life will play a huge role, at least for now however the possibility for training at a professional level is just mind boggling. This would be especially beneficial to specialist training in organisations such as medicine , search and rescue etc. I'm sure the demand for simulated disasters / situations which the trainee is immersed in the environment would be huge and be beneficial to the participants.
5. Other thoughts. The costs of initial and ongoing training is a huge slice out of any buisnesses budget having a virtual platform to all meet at and undergo online trining in a live environment will reduce the costs of such as venue hire/ accomodation and the big one tea coffee and tim tams!!!
As I've learnt in my stuudies there is no substitute for hands on or concrete learning and there still will be the need for real hands on training in certain fields but a large part of training could be completed in the virtual world meaning when it comes to the real world the trainees will have a real head start.
Whilst there is much bad news around how ChatGPT will destroy traditional
teaching and learning processes I thought it might be time to look at some
of t...
2 years ago
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